Travel Information

Travel Information for Your Tanzanian Adventure

Visa and Entry Requirements

Planning your Tanzanian journey starts with understanding the visa and entry requirements. Most travelers require a visa to enter Tanzania, which can be obtained either upon arrival or in advance from Tanzanian diplomatic missions. The process is straightforward, but it’s always a good idea to check the latest requirements well before your trip. Don’t forget to ensure your passport has at least six months of validity from your planned date of return. At Beyond Mara Expeditions, we recommend preparing your documents early to ensure a smooth start to your adventure.

Health and Safety

Your health and safety are paramount during your travels. Tanzania is a wonderful destination, but like any travel, it requires some health precautions. We advise all our guests to consult with a travel health specialist for vaccinations and health advice specific to Tanzania. Malaria prophylaxis is often recommended. Also, consider travel insurance that covers medical emergencies. When it comes to safety, Tanzania is generally welcoming and safe for tourists, but it’s wise to follow standard travel practices like safeguarding your belongings and staying informed about local conditions.

Climate and Best Time to Visit

Tanzania’s climate varies from the coast to the highlands, but generally, the best time to visit is during the dry seasons, from late June to October or from late December to February. These periods offer the best wildlife viewing experiences, especially for witnessing the Great Migration in the Serengeti or exploring the Ngorongoro Crater. The coastal areas, including Zanzibar, are perfect for relaxation year-round, but if you prefer cooler weather, consider visiting from June to October.

At Beyond Mara Expeditions, we’re committed to helping you prepare for an unforgettable journey to Tanzania. For more detailed information and personalized advice, feel free to contact us.